One of the most delectable methods to savor salmon is through this Cedar Plank Salmon recipe. It’s not just healthy, but also easy to prepare and tastes incredible. Give this Grilled Cedar Plank Salmon a try and be amazed by its flavor.

The process is quite simple: Instead of using a baking sheet and an oven, you can grill salmon on a cedar plank. This eliminates the need to be concerned about the fish sticking to the grill, getting burnt or charred, or falling through the grates.
The method of preparing cedar plank salmon involves placing whole or smaller fillets of salmon on cedar planks that have been soaked and dried and then transferring them directly to a hot grill for cooking.

Cooking the salmon directly on a cedar plank brings out the distinct taste and scent of the wood, imbuing the salmon with delicate, smoky, earthy, and intricate flavors.
Rather than searing or charring the fish, it is prepared by cooking it over indirect heat. This results in a deliciously smoky fish that retains its moisture.
To begin, immerse your cedar plank in water prior to grilling.

To ensure that your food doesn’t go up in flames along with the cedar plank, it is recommended to soak the wood in water beforehand. This can be done by filling a roasting pan with a few inches of water and submerging the plank until it is fully soaked.
The cedar plank imparts a delicate yet robust smoky essence to the salmon. No need for an elaborate glaze or a thick tartar sauce when using this method, as the fish stands on its own with minimal ingredients.
It is suggested that you immerse your cedar plank in water for at least 45 to 60 minutes.
Cedar planks for grilling should be used only once. After grilling, the plank will be significantly charred at the bottom while the top will have the fish. It is best to discard the plank instead of keeping it.
To cook cedar plank salmon in the oven, start by soaking the planks and marinating the salmon fillets as directed in the recipe. Once ready, preheat your oven to 400 degrees F and place the soaked and dried cedar planks onto a rimmed baking sheet. Next, transfer the marinated salmon fillets onto the cedar planks and bake for approximately 12 to 16 minutes, or until the internal temperature of the salmon reaches 130-135 degrees F.
Ingredients to Make Cedar Plank Salmon
- 2 (1-2 oz.) salmon fillets, or one large half salmon
- lemon
- Fresh ground Salt and Pepper to taste
How to Make Cedar Plank Salmon
To prepare for cooking, ignite a charcoal grill to achieve medium-high heat. It is strongly advised not to utilize a cedar plank indoors.
After soaking the plank, lay the salmon fillets on it and add a dash of salt and pepper to your liking. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice of one half over the fillets, and slice the other half into pieces.

Put the plank(s) on the grill grates and cover with the lid. Grill until the internal temperature reaches 130-135 degrees F (or until cooked to your preference) as measured by an instant-read thermometer, which should take approximately 12-15 minutes. If the edges of the plank(s) start to catch fire, spray them with some water.

Present the dish immediately and add extra lemon wedges if preferred.

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Cedar Plank Salmon
- 1 cedar plank
- 2 oz salmon fillets
- 1 lemon
- Fresh ground Salt and Pepper to taste
- To prepare for cooking, ignite a charcoal grill to achieve medium-high heat. It is strongly advised not to utilize a cedar plank indoors.
- After soaking the plank, lay the salmon fillets on it and add a dash of salt and pepper to your liking. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice of one half over the fillets, and slice the other half into pieces.
- Put the plank(s) on the grill grates and cover with the lid. Grill until the internal temperature reaches 130-135 degrees F (or until cooked to your preference) as measured by an instant-read thermometer, which should take approximately 12-15 minutes. If the edges of the plank(s) start to catch fire, spray them with some water.
- Present the dish immediately and add extra lemon wedges if preferred.